
Natasha Sealy Coaching
How To Have A Great Marriage
+So, I was thinking about my marriage this morning. I've been married for 21 years and he's been "my man" for about 26 years now... :) That's a long ass time! But it's been a great time. And also a time with a lot of difficulty, growth, and challenges. Let's face it, we don't remain the same forever. We evolve, just as the world does. And evolving with a partner over many years is not only beautiful but can also present some challenging times.
But what I've learned over our years together is, it's obviously doable, when you are fully committed to each other. You both have to jump into the relationship with both feet at all times or it can fall apart and quickly. You both have to communicate compassionately and effectively, or it can fall apart. You both have to be listening and supportive, or it can fall apart. You both have to try to understand the growth that the other partner is going through, or it can fall apart. You both have to respect each other, or it can fall apart. And you both have to be on the same page on the type of relationship you want to have, or it can fall apart.
Lots of ways to fall apart right??? And that is why many, many relationships don't make it for the long run. It takes work! Many people take the easy way out when they don't want to do the work. And that's their choice. ...there are many solid reasons to leave a relationship, but I'm not referring to that right now. Any loving and seemingly perfect marriage takes effort.
If you are someone who is doing the work, and wants to do the work, and believes in a long lasting relationship like I do, I commend you. If your marriage is experiencing a high right now, I'm sooooo happy for you. If your marriage is experiencing a low right now, I want to remind you that it's not even possible to have a long term marriage without its ups and downs. A little cliche' but the downs make the ups really great. True right? So keep working at it and keep communicating and keep loving and appreciating each other.
Over the past 3 months while sheltering in place, my husband and I have had an opportunity to reconnect at a deeper level than where we were at before. We've had an opportunity to spend more uninterrupted time together, have had heart felt vulnerable conversations, have had more truths revealed from the hustle and bustle working days, have spent more time loving on each other (in the bedroom), and are establishing new grounds on what we want our marriage to look like going forward, I feel. We're evolving. Again!
Marriage is a sacred commitment to another person. It takes full hearted trust, respect, honesty, and love. It's one of the most beautiful types of relationships a human can experience. Being in a healthy and strong marriage or partnership is a blessing.
I don't know who needed to hear this today, but I know this message is meant for someone.
- Natasha Sealy

Natasha Sealy Coaching
10 Ways Relationships Can Impact You
+Some of the most important lessons you will have in life will be received by the means of a relationship. From a very young age we are influenced by relationships. It is one of the founding core to your behavior patterns for your entire life.
I've learned so much through the relationships I've had through my own marriage, children, family and friends. It is my feeling that this area in our lives is one of the most critical types of journeys that we will explore in our life time. Through our relationships we may experience pain, trauma, love, adventure, beauty, trust, and community. Relationship is a critical factor in human existence that help us to go in the directions we need to grow in to create fulfillment.
It is my belief that we are always faced with the challenges that we need to go through in order to become our highest selves. Through these challenges we have many paths that we can take and are faced with many choices that may not be easy. But if ease is the reason why you stay complacent, become agreeable, forgive easily, become negligent, and bury feelings then you are not doing your work to grow as a person.
My advice to you is to always sit with your feelings, for as long as it takes when you're going through a tough time. Let yourself feel the emotions of hurt, pain, love, and joy. Do not brush these moments off as being small or minimal. They are not.
Our ability to feel all of our emotions is an amazing gift and a journey in itself and giving yourself a moment (or more) to process all of it will enable you to see what may lie ahead. Are the moments ahead filled with more beauty? Or are they more painful moments?
In our decisions to continue in relationships, dismiss them or distance them there are great impacts on your life that they may effect you directly or subconsciously. Below are a few ways relationships may have a great influence over your current and future path.
1. Keep you still, and not progressing
2. Bring you love or make you feel unloved
3. Bring you a greater sense of feeling connected or a feeling of being lost
4. Hold you back in your work or push you forward
5. Limit your income or influence great abundance
6. Foster greater opportunity in travel and adventure or keep you in one place
7. Bring you pain or help protect you from pain
8. Show you trust or influence your ways of distrust
9. Show you deceit or protect you
10. Increase your joy or bring you discomfort
In each of my sessions where we discuss relationships, a lot can come up. The topics range from infidelity to abandonment. There are times where my clients may decide that certain people may no longer serve a great purpose in their lives and there are times that the decision is that some relationships are so valuable and have so much potential that the challenges are just stumbling blocks that they can overcome. No matter what, the outcome is growth and mindfulness on the impact that each person in their lives has over them and where each relationship could lead them too.
We are humans with feelings that need to be felt through our own being and these feelings may show up in your body, behavior, presence, emotions, or overall mood. It is no one else's job to dismiss, fix or grow the relationships in your life. In my belief, this is the work that is owned by only you and through love, compassion, and mindfulness you are able to overcome every obstacle, exponentially enhance your experiences and create a life filled with ease, love, fulfillment, abundance, and community that will serve you in the best way.
Natasha Sealy is available for you while you are going through challenging times in your relationships. Through coaching, Natasha will ask you powerful questions and help to bring greater insight to your relationships, the value you place on them, and how you move forward with them. You are never alone in your journey. Click here to schedule a complimentary introduction session.
- Natasha Sealy

Natasha Sealy Coaching
15 Ways To A Positive Mindset
+No matter how positive of a person you are, as a human, we will all experience the high's of life and also some low's in everyday living. It's almost impossible to stay in steady happiness and bliss 100% of the time. And that's okay. It is all a part of our earthly experience. For even the most conscious human being it is possible to get lost in an emotion that does not serve us at our highest good which is why I've created this list of ways to reset your mind into a positive state, well, it's one of the reasons. The other reason is because one of my dear clients asked me for a few tips.
So, if you ever find yourself getting buried in sadness, limited beliefs or wrapped up in someone else's grief or your own, here are a few practices you can integrate to help get you back on track and in the mindset of abundance, love, happiness, gratitude and positivity.
1. Challenge your belief and feelings. You can choose to view things differently.
2. Step outside. Take in the fresh air and remember all of the great things you have in your life.
3. Ground yourself by meditating or walking barefoot on the grass.
4. Sit next to a tree. A simple task like this reminds us of the beauty and life we are surrounded by.
5. Take a salt bath. Sea salt helps to cleanse any unwanted energy that may be sticking to you.
6. Journal it. Write down how you're feeling, be completely honest with your thoughts, honor it, and and try to view it from another perspective.
7. Stop! Be still. Stop running from how your feel, you're only saving it for later when you keep busy (even if it takes years to resurface).
8. Breathe. Big inhales and big exhales. Try a count of 8 for each inhale and exhale.
9. Remember it's temporary. You will and can move past it.
10. Practice gratitude. Ask yourself what else in your life can you be thankful for?
11. Send yourself love. Place your hand over your heart and send yourself love and tell yourself “it’s going to be okay”
12. Create an affirmation. Create it and can say whenever that negative thought comes to mind. For instance "I'm hurt (or scared). I know it is only temporary. I honor my feelings and I know I will be okay. I look forward to the great stuff that comes after this."
13. Hypnotize yourself. Download high vibe yoga music to get you in the right mood.
14. Rest. Allow yourself to chill and get extra sleep.
15. Dance. For centuries, dance as been a way to help shake emotions and release energy.Sending love and healing to all of you.
- Natasha Sealy.

Natasha Sealy Coaching
Affirmations You Need In Your Life
+An affirmation is a phrase of words that reinforce something positive in your life. An affirmation can be created to help you own your world. I've assigned affirmations to many of my clients and I always have one that I own and repeat to myself on any given day or period in life.
Here's how it works:
1. Pick or create an affirmation
2. Repeat it to yourself to counter any negative thoughts or to reinforce what you want in your life
3. Say it everyday and even multiple times a day. Say it even if you don't believe it; eventually you WILL believe it. And guess what? It's true!
Below are a few of my favorite affirmations.
1. I am beautiful, kind and thoughtful.
2. I am abundant and free.
3. I live my life on my own terms and I am happy.
4. I am in control of my life and how I react to others.
5. I choose love.
6. I am healthy and fit. I am grateful.
7. I am perfectly imperfect and I accept myself for all that I am.
8. I can fulfill all of my dreams. My potential is limitless.
9. I am bold, beautiful, and brilliant.
10. My body shape is perfect and I am grateful for my being.The words that are in these affirmations are not only positive, but they are energetically based on love and respect. Words heal. Words create reality.
- Natasha Sealy